Friday, October 4, 2013


"All men are dogs, it's just that we own different breeds."

"If all men are dogs, then women are cats! Only cats cover their shit"

"Looking for a right man is very much like looking for the right dog."

"Women are like cats, they do not get along with each other. Why do you think when women are fighting they call it a 'cat fight'?"

These are just a few quotes from the battle of the sexes. Many women compare men to dogs while on the other hand men say women are like cats. There is also a belief by many women that all men are the same. Men are lumped up in one pile and labeled as all being unfaithful and untrustworthy.

At school, I had a female classmate who used to tell us that her mother told her that all men, excluding her father, were dogs. I just hope she did not grown up with that notion embedded deep in her mind because many women who believe that men are dogs usually do not have strong abilities in their relationships to men.

A friend once asked, "Why do women think all men are the same? If all men are the same, why do women take time to choose one instead of just picking anyone at random?" Maybe it is for the same reason why dog owners take time to choose what breed they want to buy. 

I have seen women fighting for a man many times than I have seen men fighting for a woman. Take time and watch the Jerry Springer show and see how women rip off each other's hairdos fighting for a pot bellied drunkard. Is that not proof that men are not the same? If they were all the same, these women would not be fighting over a replicated item which was abundantly available.  

Usually, women who have been disappointed  by men or who have been through a string of bad relationships are the ones who believe that all men are like dogs or that all men are the same. These women must not brainwash the younger generation of the female sex because there are a lot of good men out there. 

Of  course there are some men who the "dog" tag may fit perfectly because of their behaviour. But this does not mean we are all the same. The same applies to women. Not all of them are the same. Some women are even twice crazier than men when it comes to doing the dog like things. 

Women lie. They also steal and cheat. Just the other day, I read about this woman who defiled a 5 year old boy and infected the poor boy with a sexually transmitted disease. The mother of the child attempted to conceal the incident but she was forced to take the child to the hospital after his condition worsened. 

The statistics in regards to sexual assault as well as spousal abuse leans heavily on the men and this seems to be one other reason why men are labeled dogs. One woman wrote "Generally speaking, men kind of suck and when you start to think about it, why do we even care about them at all?"

The answer is simple. A dog is man's best friend and it performs valuable service to humans. The same can be said of men when it comes to doing valuable service to women. Women like men who do things for them. 

Long time ago, dogs were kept by man for hunting and defending. Although not every dog is friendly, there are so many heroic feats achieved by dogs in service to man. 

One such dog was Sergeant Stubby. Stubby is perhaps the only dog or animal to be given an army rank. Stubby was found straying by John Robert Conroy who was undergoing military training. When time came for him to ship for World War 1, he smuggled the dog along with him.

Stubby became one of the many dogs living in trenches in France. With his acute sense of smell and hearing, Stubby would warn the men of poison gas attacks or incoming artillery. He also managed to locate and rescue wounded soldiers and at one time captured a German spy single handed. 

Stubby participated in 17 battles and was awarded several patches and medals which he wore on a coat. Ironically, this coat was made for him by the women of a liberated French town.

Many other dogs have gone down in history for their service to mankind. Barry was a rescue dog in the mountains of Switzerland. One story tells of how Barry discovered a small child on top of an ice ledge and he kept him warm and awake by licking his face while barking loudly. Eventually, the young boy wrapped his arms around the dog's neck and he carried the boy down after the snow became heavy and the rescue men could not climb the steep cliff.  

Togo and Balto were sled dogs assigned to lead a team through Alaska carrying serum for the town. Doctors feared that a diphtheria epidemic could hit the town of Nome. The only available serum was in Anchorage which was almost 1000 miles away. The engine of the only aircraft available was frozen. Officials then decided the serum would be relayed by several teams of sled dogs. 

Togo's team was chosen to carry the serum through the most treacherous part of the route, and ended up travelling almost twice the distance of any of the other teams. Balto's team took the cargo for the last leg of the journey and ultimately delivered the serum. Togo had a statue erected in in his honour in New York's Central Park and both dogs have their remains on display in separate museums.

When a woman tells a man he is like a dog, instead of getting annoyed, maybe that man ought to comfort himself by knowing that a dog is brave, loyal and loved by many people. A dog will come to your rescue and even warn you when intruders are about to break into your house.

Women like keeping pet dogs and the reasons vary. Some of them are that the dog does not talk back and he does not interrupt. Cats have been know to be lazy and hardly do anything helpful in the house apart from eating and sleeping. They only come in handy when there are mice in the house. However, there have been some cats who have also done heroics acts like dogs have done.

In 1996 robbers tried to break in the home of a woman Guylaine Labonte. When they failed to break in, they set a fire to cover their tracks. The woman was unaware because she was sleeping. Her cat named Etoile du Nuit woke the woman. 

Another story is of a cat named Trixie. The Earl of Southampton was locked in the Tower of London for insurrection. The story is that his cat Trixie somehow climbed into his cell and kept him company for two years until he was released. It is even believed that the cat hunted and brought birds to help feed her human friend. 

The truth is that men and women think differently. When watching the news, a man may focus on the contents of the news while a woman is looking at the dress or hairstyle of the newsreader. Man and woman will always have small differences but we are all made to compliment each other. 

We must agree that we are different and we shall never be the same. Even when it comes to handwriting, you can easily tell if the writer was a woman or a man even if the text was written many years ago.

Even with sex, women prefer 30 to 40 minutes of foreplay while men just need 30 to 40 seconds of foreplay. I don't know about cats and dogs.

Image courtesy of magerymajestic /,

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